Here is an expert who says sexbots will be supreme to humans sexually:
My take is that that would be an incorrect assumption. It is true that robots have beaten humans in many intellectual endeavors such as chess. And depending if you count machines as robots, then there are many physical tasks which they better humans at. But when you are talking about sex you are talking about a sensual (touch) and mental connection as well. Sensitivity, intuition, even impulsiveness are all facets in which a human will excel beyond the capability of any machine.
How about the classic example of angry sex, revenge sex, make-up sex etc. ?? Women dig that stuff and no bot will provide that catharsis. A robot will obviously be a good sub for bdsm, since its presumably built to obey orders. But people will not get the same thrill out of whipping or paddling a sexbot as they would out a a fine -ass momma human woman. Also lets take a look at other things that were computerized, like EDM (techno). Despite its popularity, techno has caused music to lose its human touch. Which is ironic since the song lyrics tend to be somewhat emotional and “E”-inspired. Or take a look at fake limbs ( like a pump up dick surgery so one’s cock stays hard all the time). I don’t believe the average woman wants that. And while I do recognize that a legit. counterargument can be made for instance the Aussie gold medal winning runner who had robotic legs- its the human element which is attached to the robotic part which provides the emotional drive which makes the physical feat at hand possible.
There are other obvious advantages a sexbot has over a human sexually – in terms of endurance, thrust strength , not getting sore, and more. The idea they would be more hygienic in terms of them staying free of stds would depend whether they are cleaned/shared and remains uncertain in its implications. A sexbot will not be able to provide the same level of mental emotion , sensuality, kinesiology, nor the same level of satisfaction from having connected with that a human will have. I also fear that they could break down and parts could be expensive. And I could see them getting computer viruses and going haywire, or having the government use sexbots to spy on people (along the lines of what Snowden talks about). The average sexbot may offer advantages over the average human. But the truth is that you can’t keep a good man down.
–Steve C.

-Getty Images