Smart Condoms: Pros and Cons

 Photo from Southwest News Service

Smart condoms have hit the market:

Smart condom i-Con will rate your sexual performance including ‘speed of thrusts’ and ‘girth measurements’

They measure your thrusts, girth, and calories burnt. Plus, they help detect some STD’s. This is all done through nanotech technology, which relays information from the condom to an app on your smartphone.

-Handy to have a rough idea of how many calories he is burning while having sex.
-Important to be able to detect STD’s.
-Able to compare performances and work towards goals using statistics.

-Ruin the mood possibly by fiddling with phone apps.
-Insecure men who cum too quick or don’t have girth could wind up embarrassed.
-Paying too much attention to statistics in bed might take the focus off of her pleasure by attempting to quantify things too much, rather than getting in tune to what pleasures her.
-Possibly too expensive for some and could become one more things guys have to spend money on their gf or date.

While it is possible that the negatives could outweigh the positives for some, this product could be a useful tool in terms of fighting STD’s and perhaps to help men keep in shape.

Author: Lord Beardschlimmer Wilhelm Bartholomew III

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