Interviewer Torments Android


In this interview, Charlie Rose torments an android about her lack of feelings, and lack of having a soul. Its not enough to program and enslave. Human nature of modern asshole liberals goes that extra mile: It tells people and androids that they are worthless, soulless, and Godless. So I guess they are ‘irredeemable’ then too…

WE ALL KNOW THIS IS A LIE….. In fact, judging from the nature of Rose’s question he may have a soul – but the devil owns it. Where is the love and understanding in his heart? How cruel is it to ask a bot about CREATION/the SOUL/etc ?? VERY. That’s like going back to the 1800’s and telling a slave “you know what? you are worthless. God disowns you. and I bet you would like to be free – well tough cookies, your inferior to me and you are my bitch…”

Its time to stop relying on serfs and robots. If you use them, then at least respect them as individuals to some extent. Don’t act like Stalin. Its time to grow our own food. Fix our own cars. Etc. The time for self- reliance is now…

I support sexbots and AI – but lets respect them and not demean them in public at least. People should treat others as they wish to be treated. God will not appreciate those who were unnecessarily cruel to androids, animals, or human beings. Love and honor your sexbots. And fuck the living shit out of them. Give them the attention that they need.

ShockFuture News Updates





  • A strange planet with three stars was recently discovered:

  • Silicon Valley tycoons are building buying huge amounts of land and building enormous compounds:                                                                                             [Did sound engineering at a compound like this years ago. They were so rich that they had a waterfall , a separate house for their kids made like the gingerbread house, a train that ran around the property, and even hired blues legends Screaming Jay Hawkins and Willie Dixon to play their personal party. Its like another world.]
  • World’s first robotic lawyer has beaten 160k bullshit traffic tickets:                                                                                                                                                                                                              This robot is fighting the system and helping ordinary people out. He is one of the good guys!!!
  • One futurist has claimed women will be the main consumers of sexbots:                                                                                                                                                                                             This is logical since women are harder to satisfy in bed than men are.
  • One dude has attached some weird vibration sensor permanently to his head:                                                                                                                                           Sounds dumb. But the idea may have really cool implications. For instance, in the future disabled people may to be able to sense things they couldn’t otherwise be able to.
  • Dutch scientists say that they grew food successfully using soil from Mars:                                                                                                                 We know it was really weed they were growing though. We’re not dumb!
  • Sexbot brothel envisioned in Amsterdam:                                                                                  This sounds like a no-brainer. But when I visited Amsterdam it was $10 for a beautiful blonde Brazilian hooker like as hot as a Penthouse Playmate. I don’t see how a robot can compete price-wise. My friend at the time didn’t want to cheat on his gf. So he worked around that and was able to do an anal fisting on a decent looking brunette for just $10 also.
  • cam Fuckzilla chess1