Global Stagnation

Stagnation is the best word to describe this economic system with low
growth, massive debt, and very few monopolies making all the cash with very minor contributions to the economic system and productivity The reason the globalists want everything stagnant is so they can have the government and the big corporate monopolies take over every facet of our lives, so that they can hoard all the cash. This is why the volatility of money is stagnant The money is flowing from the many to the few (perpetually). The public only gets the crumbs of welfare or low wage jobs, plus the same technology recycled over and over but with fancier packaging, ever higher price tags (inflation) and largely worthless miniscule ‘updates’.

Over-priced cell phones for the image-conscious (that most people are too
stupid to barely use the internet on and do any research anyhow), and rent
hikes are where the regular people’s cash is going. Into an abyss. There’s
no money left to buy other stuff for many lower class people. So rents and
cell phones and tech all explode up, gas and car prices crash and we get to
stagflation eventually in a matter of time (once the I rates go up to where
they should have been the last ten years).

Author: Lord Beardschlimmer Wilhelm Bartholomew III

Leading the charge against societal decay!