Trump Should Force Debt Default

I suggest Trump threaten to veto the debt ceiling increase and force a national default, since Congress has overspent. This will put the fear of God into Congress. Only if Congress stops these ridiculous politically motivated investigations should he sign a debt ceiling increase. If we cannot have our democratically elected leader, then bring the whole country down financially and start a revolution to begin a fresh , new government – with the old guard and the old deep state arrested or extradited.

And no SS or welfare checks?? Military? If he doesn’t accommodate those, many assume Trump won’t last ’til Christmas.

USA will still have tax revenue. Trump can direct Treasury to defund all welfare, but continue funding the military. Default wouldn’t mean we dont get to borrow (if we so choose) , it would mean our interest rates on the debt would balloon. However I think the debt is a SHAM anyways, and we should refuse to pay it (stick it to the bankers , China, and the Sauds) and issue a new currency, free of Fed and foreign influence. Also, California should be allowed to secede from the Union, since they want a lib utopian state. Texas should probably secede too. The left and right shall not reconcile in our lifetime. Face it!

Then what’s left would be more manageable.

First of all through much of US history we printed our own currency, and it was minted in silver and gold. We do not need to borrow money from our enemies China and Saudi Arabia, nor the Fed. We can simply print our own new currency and abandon the old one. We have done this twice in our history already, the first time was after the Revolutionary War.

Secondly , Trump did not make these insane spending agreements or wars. So it’s not his responsibility to promote them to the point where our grandchildren are enslaved for your debts.

If Congress comes to its senses and stops with all the BS investigations and endless pointless wars in the ME (when NK is set to nuke us meanwhile) and agrees to cut welfare, and stop expanding the evil government in perpetuity – only then Trump should sign to increase the debt ceiling.

Its about LEVERAGE.

Author: Lord Beardschlimmer Wilhelm Bartholomew III

Leading the charge against societal decay!