The Cold Cash War is On

I had heard about this late 70’s early 80’s book called the Cold Cash War on a conspiracy web site. Shortly thereafter, I stumbled upon copy at a second hand book store store in quaint downtown Salinas. Supposedly the book is supposed to be coded by the Illuminati about the future or something. I don’t know if that is true or not, but the author (Robert Asprin) certainly was an underrated visionary.

The plot is about corporate mercenary armies and terrorists hired by the MNC’s to fight proxy wars and target corporate execs who are disagreeable. What happens is that the corporations go to war with each other. This is simultaneous to a new emerging global corporate currency, which threatens the primacy of the nation-state sovereigns. A Yakuza-like corporate system complete with sword-armed Samurai on the one side. And complex mechanized weaponry on the government side face off at the end.

The parallels between the events in the book and the events of 911, in which corporate execs were targeted in the WTC are spooky. The mercenary army of sword-wielding modern warriors fighting a proxy war for the international corporations is indeed eerily similar to how ISIS fights in the Middle East today. Also the idea of big corporations getting together on a global currency bears minor resemblance to the concept of BRIC’s, a multinational commodities based currency , which is a component of a global monetary reset , according to conspiracy theorists: The corporate currency in the story also resembles crypto-currencies to some extent. And it is ironic that Burger King just launched the first big corporate involved crypto a week or two ago: And the government just so happens to be cracking down on cryptos this year for the first time:

Author: Lord Beardschlimmer Wilhelm Bartholomew III

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