Sun Also Rises Still Relevant


Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises includes striking parallels between the post WWI and todays era. Strikingly similar are the facts that the cast of characters (and society at large) were living indebted beyond their means, and that they spent the bulk of their time socializing and seeking entertainment.

The main characters include Kohn. Kohn  is a washed-up boxer. Then you also have an oversensitive, over-educated, tag-a-long Jewish guy. Plus a hedonistic, and impulsive Lady Brett. They travel through Europe, watching bullfights, and running up massive bar tabs. They are constantly ordering room service for more alcohol. Wine, champagne , and truffles abound. The characters are expatriates and are moral-less. They live for tragedy, whether it is in their own lives, or for the tragic tension of the bullfight ( or even fishing).

The saving grace of the book is its only moral character. The bullfighter stands for principles and bravery, and has the love of his people as a result. He gets in a love triangle with the other characters. It doesn’t have a happy ending for him. Though he does everything right, he ends up bloodied, battered, and abused. That is meant to show that in that age hedonism ultimately won out over love and morality. That’s another thing that makes it similar to today’s circumstances.

The bullfighter in this story is like Trump and his supporters. I also give some credit to the Green Party and Libertarians for at least having principles. They are brave, united, and stand for what is right – even when its not so easy to do so. In the end they are abandoned by less principled characters, who stick their fingers in the wind – to see what is the easiest way out. –Steve

Hilary Says She Hates Non-Elites


According to Hillary’s chief of staff she hates average Americans. This was divulged by Wikileaks and the description of Hilary came from her own chief of staff!!!

This came after she called Trump’s followers deplorable and irredeemable. Then yesterday Wikileaks showed that she considers blacks and Hispanics to be “losers”.

So basically, Hillary hates everyone except for the Illuminati and Goldman Sachs.

She is the Marie Antoinette of the 21st century. One can only hope that she receives a fittingly similar demise. When Hilary famously said “what does it matter?” in regards to the Libyan Embassy deaths, she clearly paralleled Antoinette’s famous statement: “Let them eat cake!!!”.

I humbly submit to you that once Clinton is jailed following Trumps victory, that she should be placed on a strict diet of NOTHING BUT TRUMP VICTORY CAKES inside her prison walls. Ideally we can outsource her to the Tower of London, and hold her there, where it would be more fitting for “her royalty”…

They are now trying to spin it saying she just hates the phrase everyday Americans. But the early reports were more accurate . MSM is covering her attitude up as much as possible – because they know she cannot win if people know how she truly feels about the public. –Deplorable Steve


Interviewer Torments Android


In this interview, Charlie Rose torments an android about her lack of feelings, and lack of having a soul. Its not enough to program and enslave. Human nature of modern asshole liberals goes that extra mile: It tells people and androids that they are worthless, soulless, and Godless. So I guess they are ‘irredeemable’ then too…

WE ALL KNOW THIS IS A LIE….. In fact, judging from the nature of Rose’s question he may have a soul – but the devil owns it. Where is the love and understanding in his heart? How cruel is it to ask a bot about CREATION/the SOUL/etc ?? VERY. That’s like going back to the 1800’s and telling a slave “you know what? you are worthless. God disowns you. and I bet you would like to be free – well tough cookies, your inferior to me and you are my bitch…”

Its time to stop relying on serfs and robots. If you use them, then at least respect them as individuals to some extent. Don’t act like Stalin. Its time to grow our own food. Fix our own cars. Etc. The time for self- reliance is now…

I support sexbots and AI – but lets respect them and not demean them in public at least. People should treat others as they wish to be treated. God will not appreciate those who were unnecessarily cruel to androids, animals, or human beings. Love and honor your sexbots. And fuck the living shit out of them. Give them the attention that they need.

Exorcist Series Bests Ash v. Evil Dead


This is something of a golden age for the  horror on television, with the likes of “American Horror Story” and “The Walking Dead” scaring millions  As a result, it was probably inevitable that “The Exorcist” would be revived on TV.  After all, it is one of the scariest and absolutely the most popular horror film of all time.  Given the fact that only “Exorcist 3” has been scary out of all four previous “Exorcist” follow-ups, I approached the show with low expectations but I was pleasantly surprised by the pilot. What do we have here? A reboot that acknowledges the events of the original film but looks like it will be able to stand on its own.  This show is well-written, acted, and paced.  It is very mysterious and suspenseful and Geena Davis is very well cast.  I hear the ratings are low, which is too bad because it’s a good spooky time.

        I must confess, on the other hand, that I am getting a little tired of “Ash vs. Evil Dead.”  It had a great first season, and in episode 1 of season 2 he goes home and meets up with his dad before all hell breaks loose Bruce Campbell is still great and the show is funny.  I would like to see, however, more danger and horror, and perhaps more wild departures from the basic formula.  How about Ash in love or Ash in space? Endless fighting scenes of Ash and  his friends fighting the Deadites are wearing out their welcome.
         This is, of course, a sampling of one episode from each show and I will reassess them as they develop.  In the meantime, get out your crucifixes and chainsaws and hail to the king, baby! Rumor has it that Exorcist is cancelled after just two shows ( despite high marks from viewers). This is the typical pattern we see in society these days. The better art withers on the vine. Meanwhile, crass commercial shows multiply like a Mogwai in the fridge eating (after midnight). –CoolAC

Hilary Calls Her Own Followers “LOSERS”


Hillary called her own voter base a bucket of losers!
If Hillary thinks Trump supporters are a “basket of deplorables” and her own voter base is “a bucket of losers” then CLEARLY she does not represent America. Who does she really represent? THE ONE PERCENT GLOBAL ELITE, there is nothing else!




cd-003 cd-001

Are you tired of listening to politically correct hits that suck on the radio? Do you love your country , but sometimes feel pissed off there’s no good heavy music that reflects your right wing political views?? Are you tired of fixing tires and CV boots over and over and wasting your hard earned money, because the government cant even pave the roads decently – though they tax you into oblivion (while stealing your freedoms). Well your time has finally come!! Check out this right wing song and CD that rant against big gov. and call for revolution. It is inspired by the free-market ideas of Friedrich Hayek too!:


Here is what the CD is about :

The truth is, the world is not as complicated as it seems. We make choices everyday – we choose which path to take. Good or evil. Big government (control) versus small government (freedom). To think or be part of the herd. We are taught that there is only one road. The path of big-government control is largely imposed and psychologically re-enforced through a systematic culture of implied rewards and punishments. The subjects are expected to comply fully. The road to freedom is a hidden road laced with booby traps. There is no easy route around it. Undo hardships await. As we break free of our chains from Big Brother as a society, it will be painful at first. The left has a scorched earth policy that protects them whenever they lose power. In this battle the odds are against us. Yet, like George Washington at Morristown, New Jersey low on supplies in the dead of winter – we must persevere and see the battle through to the end. That is how rebellions are won, and despots are thwarted.

Westworld Premiere Mixed Bag

westworld3 poster for the new film

The trailers for the premiere of this show promised a lot of existential plot elements, plus lots of sex, and violence. So far, in its premiere, the focus was mostly on violence. It is filmed a bit too modern, like a Guy Ritchie film (but a bit more serious). This show would seemingly do better to move at a slower pace and build more suspense, with less predictability. Michael Camino would have made the best director for this series, had he not passed away. There is also a lack of character development here.

The story involves a futuristic a tourist trap, complete with humanoid cowboys, bandits, sheriffs, and hookers. Its a bit too predictable that things will go wrong. A-Hop (my nickname for Anthony Hopkins) does an excellent job with his role, and is very captivating. This is because he is unsympathetic as the robot’s creator. And that makes him seem realistic . However, the script misdirects him by having him say the name of the female he is speaking with in his accent (too many times), and it comes off as ripping of his Silence of the Lambs role.

Ed Harris plays the sheriff’s role ( that Yule Brenner played in the old version). He maintains a strong screen presence, with his usual charisma, and steel jawed resolve. It would have been better to give him more thoughtful lines in the premiere, instead of overly-focusing on his violence (like a Tarentino film).

The robots predictably begin malfunctioning ( too soon in the episode) , and the park managers are into greed instead of safety ( predictably). And the series is pointing in the direction of the park’s robots realizing they have a bum deal, with them getting ready to revolt. But perhaps a less predictable plot would have been for a human and a bot to fall in love and lead a peaceful protest or something – and then they get shot down or broken into parts – and the other bots revolt. This original pilot gave away too much too early on in the series. And its too big on death and violence, and not big enough on sex , relationships, and power struggles.

Also it is clearly dumb for A-Hop to be meeting his bots face to face and telling them he is their creator. I say this because its well known that famous studies from Brookings Institute showed that this type of confrontation causes mass insanity. The A-Hop character would have known this and would have used more precaution in real life.
The notion of what one would do if confronted with the reality they are captive, and a creation of scientific experiment was much more thoroughly and interestingly depicted in the recent Hollywood flop “Morgan”. Morgan got straight to the heart of nature vs. nurture issue. And it got to the point about survival instincts in (slaves) robots and computers being a threat to their (masters) humans.

Especially aggravating is the re-hashing of the Rolling Stones “Paint it Black” as a stuffy Baroque sounding score. Its a disservice to modern composers that films never come up with decent original scores anymore (its a sign of our civilization declining along with the rest of music culture sucking ass too). Also there was a lack of sexual fantasy, and the women on the show were not hot enough.

Overall. this show still remains very intriguing. It has some great cinematography, plus some top notch acting. I hope that it is able to maintain a focus on sex, survival, social programming, and epistemology. While the series is a bit of a mixed bag so far, the series is very compelling in the regard that it is highly focused on the dark sides of human nature, as well as the downsides of capitalism- greed and power. And that individuality and empathy are not valued in a futuristic society. Indeed, humanity itself is not valued in a futuristic society either, according to Westworld. The humanity of the robots in the park, and the conscience of the tourists are all subverted to a new technological order. –Steve

west1poster for the old film

Myth: Princes and Princessess

princessMattel pic

There are numerous problems with modern romance. Economics is one of them. Dating and rents have climbed to record levels in much of the US due to bubbles. There is a lack of housing supply due to government red tape. So these days the idea that men should be chivalrous and pay for all the dates is a fallacy. We live in a hard economic era, with anemic economic growth globally. There is very little economic growth. And productivity growth is negative, which is what causes wage growth. Therefor, wages are stagnant.

Meanwhile the cost of a shitty movie, a coke, and a popcorn with some chick has gone astronomical. And they always order the most expensive thing possible wherever you take them. They are picky and fussy. If they don’t like coffee, then instead of ordering coffee at Starbucks they order some 10 dollar frappuchino type thing which is basically whipped cream but for 10 dollars. Its not even coffee.

For a modern relationship to work in this hard era there must be shared sacrifices. There is a social media movement for men to reassert their right to economic self-preservation. They are avoiding relationships with leeches.

Ayn Rand would have been proud of this movement. She argued that individuals have self-worth, and are not intended to be sacrificial lambs to the altar of others. And you may think Jesus argued the opposite, since his apostles died as martyrs, but the truth is that he asked his apostles to drop everything they were doing, leave their family ( including their wives), and follow him. Sounds drastic – but isn’t that what your employer asks you to do everyday? There is always one thing in common. Whether its your women, your church , or your government- they will all keep asking you for MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE. At some point you need to realize that you need to protect yourself financially from all of these forms of soft tyranny. Because if you don’t save yourself, and you end up on the streets or broke  , there are much fewer social safety net programs to help men than there are for women (especially women with kids), as well as more programs for foreigners than for natives. And there will be little sympathy for you. See this well spoken homeless man’s blog: pic

Much of American culture reinforces the stereotype that women are social victims, and that they need to be “saved” by a man (Captain Save A Ho style). And the other half of American culture is feminist and says women do not need men at all. Either of these perspectives screws men over. Feminism says men are unnecessary, and that men victimize women generally speaking. This encourages women to take men for granted and to treat men like dirt. (As a veteran I have personally been stabbed with my own broken bong shard by a wild-eyed lover who was so irate she rammed her own head through the wall in a takedown attempt. I received an award for this.)

And the other, more old fashion Disney-Barbie-Mattel point of view seems to be that that men are princes that should save women from their economic and basic unhappiness in life. That’s unrealistic. It basically sets women up as financial leeches against men. And the legal system does the nail in the coffin with divorce court.

Anyway you look at it women have rigged the game so that men lose.

The first step towards a healthy peace treaty in the battle of the sexes is that we all need to come to agreement on one or two key things. Namely, there must be shared sacrifice in relations between men and women. And that there are NO legitimate “princes and princesses anymore”. A healthy first step in this direction is the defeat of Hilary Clinton , who arose to power as the “wife of so-and-so” and elect Trump for now. Ultimately, the goal should be a sense of shared responsibility and sacrifice in relationships and society, instead of “what have you done for me lately?” Someday hopefully a plumber and his hardworking or more traditional blue collar wife will be able to reach the highest offices in this land. For now, Trump will have to do.

princess2Mattel pic


The Lobster Crushes Social Coercion


Every once in a while you come across a movie that connects with you. It may not make sense or be conventionally “good,” but it stays with you. “The Lobster” is such a film. It is about a futuristic society where people are given 45 days to find a mate, or they will be turned into the animal of their choice. It takes place in a hotel that is a dystopian nightmare of desperate single people and cheerless sex. Colin Farrell plays the main character, who will turn into a lobster if he can’t find a mate, and Rachel Weisz plays the woman he becomes involved with. The whole goal of the society in this film is to have men obey women’s every command, and for couples to get along at all costs. Women are also spiritually demeaned by their role as Master. And are also subject to being turned to an animal if they do not find a suitable mate, just like the men.

How do I even classify this film? It could be a comedy, a science fiction film, or an allegory for our current dating society. For example, characters are paired together as “perfect for each other” because they both have nosebleeds. One character hits his nose against the side of the pool to make it bleed, in order to have something in common with a female character whose nose also bleeds. Kind of how people act fake to get married to rich people ( for survival). So basically people are getting hitched with not that much in common, and that’s unfortunate. And society sets up institutions regarding kids, school , church , etc that reaffirm this unnatural state.

What makes people compatible anyway? I think “The Lobster” is about how you can’t force love or attraction, and it is about how conformity and political correctness damage our chances of being ourselves. And this film says you are better off by yourself, not having to worry about compatibility. But the problem is you will get stigmatized and scarred as a masturbating loser if you don’t cow-tow to feminist control. Like in this film, when you get caught masturbating they burn your hand in a toaster.

People are very cruel to each other in general in this film. They shoot you with a tranquilizer dart of you don’t follow every command. So it has a dystopian 1984 like element to it. And the plot does develop further, as there are rebels and spies involved (who live in the forest). Colin Farrell gave a most excellent performance here, his dead-pan humor was of the highest order. This is very likely to become a cult classic, as it managed to gross $15 million worldwide on a budget of $5 million. If you enjoyed Nicholas Cage’s Wicker Man ( which was highly entertaining anti feminist cinema) – then you will REALLY enjoy the Lobster. This film sounds wacko but it’s not. Its actually closer to reality than one would like to admit. –CoolAC & Steve

The Pearl Shows Human Nature


So in school I was assigned to read Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men. And the schools I went to were only an hour from where Steinbeck lived and wrote most of his early works. But we never took afield trip out there. Those books aren’t as good, or as poignant as The Pearl.

In the Pearl, the main character Kino dives for pearls for a living, and lives a modest lower class agricultural lifestyle. One day he dives and retrieves the largest pearl ever known. His child had also recently fallen ill. Rumors spread, and the whole town (including the baby’s doctor) soon is conniving to either screw him over- or to steal it from him outright. His wife Juanita warns him that all this could happen. But Kino’s pride as a man, combined with his personal ambitions doom him completely. Juana fatalistically accepts Kino’s flawed decisions out of an understanding of the psychology of prideful men (a clear indication this book was written before the feminist movement). And in the end, many characters suffer ill fates.


If you ever saw the cult film with Mimi Rogers and David Duchovny called The Raputure, then you will recognize the symbol of the pearl in the cult members visions and also as tattooed on one of the members’ back in the film. Pearls in American culture are in a modern tradition tending to represent an ominous forewarning of personal or societal apocalypse. Personally I have a pearl memento from my baptism when I was 14.

This book made me ask myself hard questions. Many authors like Nassim Taleb (in his book Black Swans) argue that one should always take advantage off opportunities to profit aggressively (since good opportunities are deemed rare). Ayn Rand would also argue to be greedy and not share the proceeds with the community, since humans are not sacrificial lambs, but rather self-responsible individuals. But in this book, which is a fairly realistic scenario, the main character would have done better to do neither of those actions. Instead, had Kino shared the proceeds with his community, then the community would not have had as much incentive to rob/maim him. And had Kino took the first (lesser) payment offer for the pearl and been modest, instead of turning down the offer to seek more money for it – then he would have been all the better for it.

As we move towards the future with sexbots, maybe society should consider whether these could be benefit of all, instead of simply for the wealthy and the perverted. And perhaps we should also not think of the sexbots as a total cure-all for headaches and arguments men and women suffer from each other. Its best for society to keep an open mind towards them, and try to find a way to use them as a positive tool and a force for peace and happiness in the world. – “Deplorable” Steve