NYE: Night of the Comet?



People are talking about a “large” comet that is supposedly visible to the naked eye and will be passing on NYE. This is supposed to go down while partyers are out in the streets, waiting for the ball to drop. Some website forums are spelling doom for society and talking about elites taking to underground bunkers in anticipation of the comet slamming into Earth.

This all very closely resembles the plot of the classic 80s camp sci-fi classic Night of the Comet. 80s camp films have a lot of social criticisms embedded in them, which are poignant, and often overlooked. In that film, those who follow the crowd (and stand in the streets watching the comet) are turned into a pile of red dust. Only their sneakers and clothes remain. Just like holiday shoppers -even the survivors in the film would mostly rather go fashion shopping than worry about more practical type things. Meanwhile scientists are living in underground bunkers, aiming to harvest the dumb blondes’ organs. And zombie police are out to bust anyone for anything ( just like in real life) – and to eat them.


Night of the Comet and movies like Omega Doom are said by some to be warnings from the elite about events that only insiders know about. Night of the Comet was likely one such piece of multi-dimensional propaganda. It was intended to warn those willing to look past the surface of the film and to look into the hidden message of the film: that excessive mass-culture consumerism and herd mentality will lead to certain calamity.


Author: Lord Beardschlimmer Wilhelm Bartholomew III

Leading the charge against societal decay!