UFOlogist Dead – Black Puke

Like something out of a bad X-files episode , conspiracy theorist Max Spiers has died while having been abroad to give a speech at a UFO conspiracy convention. He had warned his mom that he might get whacked. He died at the apartment of a woman who was taken in for questioning. And his bros had seen him puking weird black fluids in large amounts. The guy was a healthy young man, yet died on the couch ‘of natural causes’, and without an autopsy. Just goes to show if you get too close to the truth – they whack you and you sleep with the fishes. It is commendable that this man always searched for the truth, and tragic that his life was cut short. From having read many cutting edge sites these days, it is common knowledge that (mostly female) counter agents are sent in the form of female venus fly trap sorts, to distract or even to kill lonely bloggers and conspracy theorists, who make easy targets, since they are often isolated loners in their personal lives.  Yearning for companionship, they are often too quick to distrust in the abstract (against government) but quick to trust in-the-flesh.


Illuminati Oscars Ceremony

A week or two after right wing humorist Milo was thrown to the wolves by the left, it is very revealing that a convicted rapist was spotlighted and given the red carpet (or should I say red-light?) treatment at the Oscars.


While I do want to be clear that I think people deserve a second chance in society after having served hard time, it is very suspect that Hollywood chose to fawn and lord over an underclass member – who we then discover did 25 years for something unmentionable. I am fine with him being saved, but let him be saved in his church or in his community – not in the national spotlight of a  supposedly achievement based highly-esteemed awards ceremony.

Think about the hidden motive here. Whether its Michael Jackson or Roman Polanski – Hollywood / pop music always seems to be on the same sick side of things. Hollywood has a dark underside. Author Brett Easton Ellis , at least formerly part Hollywood elite, has been sounding the alarm on such things for years, by using fictionalized characters to convey what has been going on. To really understand the evil underbelly of Hollywood it is necessary to have an understanding of the occult, specifically the Illuminati. Incidents such as the sex offender being treated as royalty at the Oscars recently are by design, not by accident. You don’t let just any random street person touch famous stars (like Nicole Kidman’s hand with his lips for instance).  It was some sick form of ritual. Not a ‘mistake’.

Rare Earthshine Moon

pic from earthsky.org

Weird sliver moon next to super bright Venus tonight. Looks beautiful and strange. Never seen anything like that before . Am told its an ‘Earthshine’ moon. Slender crescent and the rest looks like a crystal ball. The Earth’s light is reflecting off the moon.

There was a lunar eclipse very recently (that I missed). Those I have seen before. This earthshine moon is much more remarkable looking.

Venus is also in a crescent phase right now. It is a time of year where multiple planets align with the moon.


Rush has a song called Earthshine:
